Editorial policy


Publication Frequency

Revista Árvore adopts a continuous publication (CP) mode.

Review Process

After submission, the manuscript is checked for compliance with the journal's guidelines. If all the criteria are met, the review process begins. The review process starts with a scientific merit analysis performed by one of our editors. If merit is established, the material is sent to two ad hoc reviewers. This is a peer review process (double-blind), which ensures high-quality standards and ethical conduct regarding publication. When the article receives a positive review, the quality of the English translation is assessed, and the text is checked again for plagiarism. After this step, the text will be sent for production and publication.

Criteria for Acceptance of Articles

  • The manuscript must be original, filling a research gap or contributing to the advancement of Forest Science.
  • It must follow the journal’s formatting and submission guidelines.
  • The authors declare that the article is an original work and that it has not been previously published nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere, either in print or electronically.
  • Authors are instructed to submit the manuscript for linguistic corrections.
  • The quality of scientific writing is essential.
  • A precise description of methodology and techniques is required.
  • Conclusions must align with the objectives and be based on the evidence of results.
  • Manuscripts based solely on diagnostics, reports, descriptions, inventories, and characteristics will not be accepted.
  • All submitted manuscripts must adhere to editorial ethics.
  • Authors are encouraged to make their primary data available in data repositories.
  • Plagiarism is not tolerated.
  • Authors must include their ORCID identification in the submission process.
  • The Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet one or more of these criteria.

Publication Fee

Revista Árvore charges a publication fee of R$ 800.00 for payments within Brazil and US$ 320.00 for international payments. The fee will be applied only after the acceptance notice of the article.


The manuscript can be submitted in Portuguese or English, but all accepted articles will be published only in English. In this case, authors will need to provide the English translation and submit a statement verifying that the translation was performed by qualified personnel. The translation responsibility statement should include the article details and the responsible person's signature.

Open Access

Articles are freely available to the general public, meaning that anyone can read or download any publication. We also encourage the use of social media to share our publications.

Copyright Statement

All authors agree to submit their work to Revista Árvore and grant exclusive license to publish the submitted article electronically. The scientific content and opinions expressed in the published article are the authors’ sole responsibility and reflect their views, not necessarily representing the views of the Society of Forest Research (SIF) and the Editorial Committee.

Author Identification and Documents

Authors of published works must be identified by their ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to be easily and correctly linked with their research activities. Published articles receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) registration, a unique and exclusive numeric identification system for digital content.

Ethics Policy

The journal follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for good scientific practice. Ethical conduct is required in research and throughout the publication process, with strict adherence to the quality of scientific articles, selection of qualified reviewers, impartial decision-making, and professional respect for authors. Formal and documented approval of procedures to be followed by a legal research ethics committee is required for all studies involving human and animal subjects.

Plagiarism Prevention

Authors must declare that the work is original and free from plagiarism. Plagiarism in any form constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. A scan is performed on the submitted file to detect similarity using iThenticate software, and this procedure is repeated after acceptance.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided on this platform will be used exclusively for the purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes.