General information


Revista Árvore, a scientific journal affiliated with the Department of Forest Engineering at the Federal University of Viçosa, has been a cornerstone in forestry science since its inception in 1977. Initially published in print, the journal transitioned to an electronic format in 2002 and has been exclusively online since 2017. Throughout its history, over 2,800 scientific articles have been published, all freely accessible to readers. Revista Árvore holds the distinction of being the first Brazilian forestry science journal indexed on SciELO, a testament to its importance and prestige in both national and international scientific communities. Originally publishing in Portuguese, Spanish, and English, the journal has focused exclusively on English-language content since 2017 to expand its global reach. Today, it has worldwide circulation and has been indexed in major international databases since 2020, further solidifying its impact in the field.


Revista Árvore is an open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal that continuously publishes original scientific papers in the field of Forestry Science, specifically in the following research areas:

  • Nature Conservation: Carbon cycle; Climate change; Climatology; Ecosystem management; Environmental education; Environmental impacts; Environmental management; Environmental planning; Forest health; Forest ecology; Forest fires; Forest hydrology; Conservation units; Urban forestry, health, and well-being; Landscape management and planning; Phytosociology; Restoration of degraded areas;

  • Forest Management: Dendrometry; Artificial intelligence; Environmental economics; Forest and industrial ergonomics; Forest and industrial safety; Forest biometrics; Forest economics and management; Forest inventory; Forest logistics; Forest mechanization; Forest measurement; Forest modeling; Forest operations and engineering; Forest planning; Forest roads; Forest transport; Geoprocessing; Native forest management; Quality control; Remote sensing; Forest structure and dynamics; Forest harvesting;

  • Silviculture: Agroforestry systems; Allometry of trees and forests; Dendrology; Forest biotechnology; Forest entomology; Forest micropropagation; Forest nurseries; Forest nutrition and nutrient cycling; Forest pathology; Forest physiology; Forest protection; Forest soils; Forest genetics and breeding; Medicinal trees; Seed and seedling production; Silvicultural systems; Tropical forests; Vegetative propagation; Clonal silviculture; Forest ecophysiology; Forest establishment;

  • Wood Technology and Utilization of Forest Products: Adhesives and adhesion; Biodegradation; Pulp and paper; Boards and panels; Forest biomass energy; Forest residues; Recovery of forest and wood industry residues; Non-timber products; Quality of wood and derivatives; Sawmilling, machining, and finishing; Wood anatomy; Properties of wood and derivatives; Charcoal; Wood chemistry; Wood constructions; Wood drying; Wooden furniture; Wood processing; Wood preservation; Solid wood products; Wood structures; Forest industry residues; Treatment of industrial waste;

Review articles may be published if there is a relevant discussion summarizing the state of the art on the subject. A strict literature review is not accepted.


  • Web of Science: Clarivate Analytics
  • SCOPUS: Elsevier
  • AGRICOLA: National Agricultural Library
  • AGROBASE: Database of Brazilian Agriculture until 2019
  • AGRIS: International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology
  • CAB International: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux
  • CIRS: International Center for Scientific Research - Forest Science Database
  • BDP@/EMBRAPA: Agricultural Research Databases
  • SciELO: Scientific Electronic Library Online
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
  • EZB - ELECTRONIC JOURNALS LIBRARY: University Library of Regensburg
  • LATINDEX: Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal
  • RedALyC: Network of Scientific Journals in Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal
  • SCIRUS: For Scientific Information Only
  • PERIÓDICA: Latin American Journals in Science - UNAM
  • Miguilim: Directory of Brazilian Electronic Scientific Journals
  • Oasisbr: Brazilian Portal of Open Access Publications and Scientific Data
  • Periódicos CAPES: Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel


The journal's content is licensed under the Creative Commons (CC BY) Attribution 4.0 International. Therefore, authors retain copyright and grant Revista Árvore the right of first publication. This license allows for the unrestricted reproduction, sharing, and distribution of published articles in any medium, provided that the author and original source are properly cited.


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