Author guidelines


The manuscript should be prepared according to the specifications below:

  • Format compatible with Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).
  • Maximum file size up to 10 MB.
  • A4 paper size (210 X 297 mm).
  • Portrait layout on all pages.
  • Margins of 2.5 cm.
  • Line spacing of 1.5.
  • Paragraph indentation of 1.25 cm.
  • Font Times New Roman, 12.
  • All lines must be numbered.
  • The manuscript must be submitted with a maximum of 6000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references).
  • The abstract (and Resumo) should contain a maximum of 280 words, with three keywords (and palavras-chave) at the end.
  • The title (in Portuguese and English) should be in uppercase, bold font, except in cases with appropriate rules, such as botanical names.
  • The file should contain the following structure and organization: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Tables/Figures. Results and discussion should be presented in separate sections for all documents.
  • Author data, author contributions, and acknowledgments should be provided only after approval.
  • Main headings should be in uppercase, bold, and sequentially numbered. Subheadings should have the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase.
  • Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references, and their position in the text should be indicated as follows: insert Table 1 here; insert Figure 2 here. They should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, cited in the text in parentheses (Table 1), (Figure 2). Titles should be self-explanatory. The data source should be included at the bottom (Source:). Titles should be written before the table and after the figure. Figures with subgroups should label the subgroups with uppercase letters (without parentheses and without a period after the letters) in the upper left corner of each subgroup. Titles and captions for tables and figures should be presented in both Portuguese and English. Revista Árvore does not publish supplementary material; therefore, all tables/figures presented should be referenced and positioned correctly in the text with the proper identification.
  • Equations cited in the text should be numbered sequentially and in parentheses (Equation 1). The equation numbering (Eq. 1) should be aligned to the right of the text. Below the equation, identify the symbols with their units. Do not insert equations as figures; use the "equations" tool in Microsoft Word for this purpose.
  • Botanical Nomenclature - The genus and scientific name of species should be in italics and follow the rules of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN). The author(s) should be named the first time they are mentioned in the text, and thereafter, no author names should be included.
  • Units of measurement should be presented according to the International System of Units (SI).
  • Footnotes are not accepted.
  • APA style should be used for references. They should be primarily recent and from scientific articles published in indexed journals.

Use the available formatting model: Simplified Submission Model

Download the file, delete all "blue" text and figures at the end of the document. Then, paste your article's text into the appropriate sections. Inspect the file (as guided by the figures at the end of the document), save your work, and upload it to the submission system.

More details on each item can be found at: Submission Guidelines