Wood properties of three south american species planted in consortium





Forest management, Physicomechanical properties, Tropical Brazilian wood


The use of tropical wood species in reforestation can be an alternative resource to meet the demand from the industrial wood sector. However, this strategy remains very limited, even while tropical forests continue to be deliberately exploited for the selective extraction of native species of highly commercial value. To test the potential of tropical species in reforestation, it is first necessary to evaluate the production and quality of the wood produced. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the quality Astronium urundeuva, Astronium fraxinifolium and Terminalia argentea woods, all aged 22 years, from a heterogeneous plantation located in the municipality of Selvíria-MS. From each species, 15 trees were selected. A 10 cm thick disc was removed from the base of each tree. Samples were taken from the discs near the bark region to evaluate the anatomical characteristics and the physical and mechanical properties of the wood. According to the results, it was found that only compressive strength did not differ significantly among the species. Astronium urundeuva presented the highest values for basic density and apparent density, and Terminalia argentea presented the highest values for fiber length, fiber wall thickness and vessel element diameter. The best Pearson correlations were found for basic density and apparent density, both for Astronium fraxinifolium and Astronium urundeuva. The best regression equations obtained were correlations between basic density and apparent density for Astronium fraxinifolium and Astronium urundeuva. The linear model best fits the data for these correlations. The greater growth of Terminalia argentea trees caused lower wood density owing to the lower rate of competition among trees. Based on the results and according to wood strength standards, the three species can be classified in the D40 strength class. According to the obtained results, these can support information to be compared with some species used commercially for structural purposes and other uses.

Keywords: Forest management; Physicomechanical properties; Tropical Brazilian wood




How to Cite

Longui, E. L., Custódio, G. H., Ranzini, M., Silva, A. M. da, Freitas, M. L. M., Cambuim, J., Luiz Teixeira de Moraes, M., & Lima, I. L. de. (2024). Wood properties of three south american species planted in consortium. Revista Árvore, 48(1). https://doi.org/10.53661/1806-9088202448263803



Wood Technology and Utilization of Forest Products

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