
  • Romário de Mesquita Pinheiro Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes, Pelotas, RS - Brasil
  • Vanessa Nogueira Soares Fundação Espírito-Santense de Tecnologia, Goiabeiras, Vitória, ES - Brasil
  • Gizele Ingrid Gadotti Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Centro de Engenharias, Pelotas, RS - Brasil
  • Elson Junior Souza da Silva Universidade de São Paulo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Recursos Florestais, Butantã, SP - Brasil
  • Andréia da Silva Almeida Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes, Pelotas, RS - Brasil


Amazonian species, Fabaceae, Integument impermeability


Ormosia grossa Rudd is an Amazonian species that presents bicolor seeds, allowing its exploration for handicraft and decoration making. This paper aimed to analyze the influence of different methods to overcome dormancy on the germinative performance of Ormosia grossa seeds. To conduct the experiment, the following treatments were established: T1= scarification with 80-grit sandpaper and water immersion at room temperature for 24 hours; T2= puncturing and water immersion at room temperature for 24 hours; T3= scarification with 80-grit sandpaper; T4= puncturing; T5= immersion in water heated to 80 ºC for five minutes, and T6= Control - seeds without any treatment. The seeds germinate slowly and irregularly. Depending on the treatment, germination started between 10 and 32 days and, if there is no adequate pre-germinative treatment to overcome dormancy, it can exceed such time. The phytomass performance and seedling lengths were superior in the T1 and T2 treatments. The scarification by abrasiveness and puncturing treatments are efficient to overcome dormancy, thus increasing the speed (3.76 and 3.12) and germination percentage (98% and 96%) after ten days. The control was 0.01 (IVG), and germination of 37%. Therefore, it is recommended the method of scarification with sandpaper followed by seed imbibition in water at room temperature for 24 hours, as it provides the best seedling performance and germination.

Keywords: Amazonian species; Fabaceae; Integument impermeability




How to Cite

Pinheiro, R. de M., Soares, V. N., Gadotti, G. I., da Silva, E. J. S., & Almeida , A. da S. (2021). GERMINATIVE PERFORMANCE OF MULUNGÚ SEEDS (Ormosia grossa Rudd) AFTER DORMANCY OVERCOMING. Revista Árvore, 45(1),–908820210000032. Retrieved from

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